Online Group-Tuition Programmes

Academy Programmes

Mara Galassi

Mara Galassi graduated from the Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano with Luciana Chierici and the Pesaro Conservatory of Music, studied performance practice with David Collyer, Patrick O’Brien and musicology with Michael Morrow.
Former principal harpist for the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Italy, she develops her activities as historical harps soloist and as a member of the most famous early music Ensembles in Europe and teaches historical harps in Milano at the Civica Scuola di Musica “Claudio Abbado” and at the ESMUC in Barcelona.
She founded and currently directs the Ensemble de Harpes Sébastien Erard.
Recordings: Il viaggio di Lucrezia (rewarded with Choc de la music and Cannes Award), Les Harpes du Ciel with Gabriella Bosio, The Microcosm Concerto, (Handel compositions for Welsh triple harp  and Erard harp), Portrait of a Lady with Harp (Music at the Court of Christine of Sweden), Davidsharfen with Flora Papadopoulos (harp duets at the time of Bach), Il Finto Pariggino (voice, mandolin and harp), Mozart Flute and harp Concerto (Freiburger Barockorchester).
Musical and acting performances: 
Sidereus nuncius: Galileo e la Luna.
Alltiddensamme: A Portrait of Christine of Sweden
Art film:
 “Voluptas Dolendi I gesti del Caravaggio” (ArtFILM, Fondazione Marco Fodella, 2010).