Online Group-Tuition Programmes

Academy Programmes

Beginning - 12 Oct 2024

'The Ancient Irish Music': airs of the 18th-century Irish harpers


In 1792, in the waning days of the Irish harping tradition, a young organist named Edward Bunting was enlisted to write down the music played at an historic gathering of Irish harpers in Belfast. Inspired by what he heard there, he made collecting the music of the Irish harpers his life's work. Bunting published three volumes of music, but he arranged it for piano, so it is not in its original form. Many of his hand-written field transcriptions — taken directly from the live playing of Irish harpers — survived, though, and were rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century.

In this course, explore and become familiar with Edward Bunting's rare 18th-century hand-written field transcriptions, and learn where to access them online. Then, learn to play three beautiful 18th-century Irish harp tunes that Bunting included in his first published collection, The Ancient Irish Music, working from settings based directly on his field transcriptions of the Irish harpers. In hands-on class sessions, you will be guided to learning historically appropriate playing techniques and ornamentation to help you bring your own performances of early Irish harp music to life.

All types of harps welcome!

Course Duration

6 Sessions



Class Time

2:00–3:15 pm Irish Time




Saturday | 2:00–3:15 pm Irish Time

12 Oct

Session 1

An introduction to Edward Bunting

In this introductory session we'll explore Edward Bunting's life story and history with the old Irish harpers, the amazing rediscovery of his manuscript notes taken down from the live playing of the harpers — plus the hand-written annotations in his personal copies of his first two published volumes of music, which only fairly recently came to light — with unpublished notes on which harpers he got the tunes from, and what he really thought of Carolan!

[Dr Karen Loomis]

26 Oct

Session 2

Grádh gan fhios [Love in Secret] (1 of 2)

[James Ruff]

02 Nov

Session 3

Grádh gan fhios [Love in Secret] (2 of 2)

[James Ruff]

09 Nov

Session 4

An bhfaca tú mo bhalentine [Have you Seen My Valentine?] (1 of 2)

[James Ruff]

16 Nov

Session 5

An bhfaca tú mo bhalentine [Have you Seen My Valentine?] (2 of 2)

[James Ruff]

23 Nov

Session 6

Osgail an doras go ciúin [Open the Door Softly]

[Dr Tamzin Elliott]

What to Expect

In this course, students will

  • be introduced to, and become familiar with, rare eighteenth-century hand-written field transcriptions taken from the live playing of old Irish harpers, and learn where to access them online
  • be taught to play three pieces from the eighteenth-century Irish harp repertory
  • have demonstrated, and learn, appropriate hand position and playing techniques for the early Irish harp
  • learn historically appropriate ornamentation for eighteenth-century Irish harp music
  • explore Edward Bunting's process from field transcription to published arrangement

Technical Requirements

  • A laptop, desktop or tablet computer; we do not recommend using a phone to participate
  • Speakers or headphones
  • Access to a printer for downloadable course materials
  • Access to the Zoom platform; further information to help you get set up for participating over Zoom will be sent after you have registered

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